You are Appointed

I was reading Jonah this week (you are probably familiar)…Jonah is asked to go to Nineveh to deliver a message from God.   He feels unequipped and scared, so he runs…In the opposite direction.   When I read this story today, in ESV  the word “appointment” was used all throughout.   God appointed Jonah.  God appointed the waves. God appointed the storm.  God appointed the fish. God appointed the fish to throw up.   If you are not familiar with this passage, the long and short of it is that Jonah is swallowed by a fish and lives inside the belly of this fish for three days before he is thrown up on the shore of Nineveh.  What stood out was the way God appointed every step.   The bible says a righteous man’s steps are ordered of the Lord.  God  appointed everything to work out for good.  Jonah was called according to a purpose and so are you.   As a child of God I know that I do not always act like I am aware that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, but that doesn’t change that truth – I AM!   When I remember that God is on my side, I know that I am equipped and prepared for whatever God asks of me.   I may be uncomfortable, and I may not always understand in the moment, but I can trust that God has my very best interest in mind and my steps are appointed and so are yours.