
This is a vulnerable post...

My favorite necklace that says "Actually, I can" broke a few months ago. So yesterday, I found this necklace among my jewelry...

As I looked at it before putting it on, I couldn't help but feel the weight of it...

This HOPE necklace is very tarnished...

I almost decided not to wear it. I almost threw it away...

This season of my life, my hope has felt very tarnished at times... I've cried more consistent tears than I think I ever have, doubted myself more than I think I ever have. I've almost thrown my hope away so many times... This season has felt like the loneliest place I've ever sat in.And yet, I'm not alone... not even close. I'm surrounded by the supportive friends that God has placed in my life to pray for me and encourage me when I can't even lift my head. And I'm surrounded by the arms of my Father who is walking me through this tough season of ripping down mindsets and walls that have kept me from what I'm meant to do.

After this past year or 2 of God constantly doing the impossible for me, I've learned to cling to that. It was preparation for what's ahead. So, I'll continue to put on my hope, even if it's tarnished because I know it's not ill-placed. I know my God is moving, changing my atmosphere. I know that even if everything around me is uncertain, my God is not. He's proven Himself to me. And even if I have to remind myself every minute of the day, I KNOW who He is. I know He restores hope, resurrects dead dreams, renews life and love, and does far more than can ever be imagined. I know on the other side of this is good. Far more good than I could ever create on my own.

So for now, I'm grateful. Grateful for the hope I have, grateful for the life I have, grateful for what's coming, grateful for friends who pray for me, check on me and sometimes let me come just relax and nap at their home in between the chaos and confusion.

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:12‬ ‭TPT‬‬

"Let this hope burst forth within you, releasing a continual joy. Don’t give up in a time of trouble,  but commune with God at all times."